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Island Inn Commons

The desire for a dedicated green space at the center of our community inspired OPS's Island Inn & Commons landscaping project. Due to the hard work and dedication of amazing volunteers, Ocracoke now has a thriving public green space in the heart of the village.


Coming to Life

Plans For 2025:
Ready for Spring

In 2023, a large part of the two-acre Island Inn property was completely transformed into a vibrant green space.  Six beds were planted with over 100 different varieties of plants and flowers, as well as Eastern cedars, azaleas, blueberry bushes and yaupon.   Pathways, benches, arbors and a picnic area were added.  The Island Inn Commons became a place that invites social connection, nurtures biodiversity and reduces the impact of climate change. A second property – the  McDermott Greenway, across Lighthouse Road - is a shaded, quiet oasis.  Three events were held in the Commons in 2023 and 2024 – Ocracoke Preservation Society’s Annual July 3 Fish Fry, the Evening in the Commons in October, and December holiday tree lighting. These events will continue in the future as regular OPS events.  In 2023, Ocracoke Alive erected and auctioned 20 artist mural panels, including 12 created by Ocracoke School students.


In 2024, robust development of the Commons continued!  OPS partnered with Ocracoke Civic and Business Association to construct public restrooms on the property, the only facility in the village.  A large pergola was created in the center of the Commons to serve as a passageway; with four benches, tables and an overhead covering, this will be a unique and shaded place for events.  Just behind the main inn structure, a new shed was added for work and storage.  Two brick pathways were laid as entrance ways to the coming fig garden; over 350 bricks were sold and personalized.  T-shirts and notecards with artwork from Ocracoke School students were produced and sold.

The fig orchard has been re-installed in a dynamic design and the area around the shed is in process of being landscaped. In 2025, the landscape committee plans to fund raise, hold events and refurbish the planted bed along Lighthouse Road.  We will be working on another brick sale for two pathways that will become the future entrace way to the restored Island Inn Visitor's Center.  


We are also working more intensely with Ocracoke Preservation Society to further the development of the building restoration project.  Once the building is completed, we will initiate the final planting and infrastructure to finish the project.


Of course, you will always find us in the garden - weeding, feeding and pruning!  To join us, check out our Facebook page for volunteer opportunities.


fig garden.jpg
pathway and Pax.jpg

Newly planted fig garden

Brick pathway

Events in the Commons

The Commons is home to a number of free community events: â€‹

  • July 3rd Fish Fry

  • October “Evening at the Commons”

  • December, under the guidance of local leader and volunteer, Trudy Austin, and the help of the Ocracoke School Shop Class.  

Ocracoke Alive art show


New pergola and December holiday lights


McDermott Greenway

Locally Grown
For And By The Community

Want to help our garden grow? Donate today!


​The Ocracoke community has come together to make the Commons happen, in every possible way, including contributing thousands of dollars through generous personal donations and sponsorship.  Volunteers come regularly to weed, plant, paint and more.  Skilled folks have donated all kinds of labor; see list below.  In 2023, the Landscape Committee raised $66K through sponsorships, contributions, events, generous in-kind donations, and a grant from the Ocracoke Community Foundation. Total expenses were $42.5K. With so much donated labor, 70% of the project budget was used for garden supplies - plants, soil, lumber, displays and irrigation.​ In 2024, in addition to a $21K rollover, the Landscape Committee raised just over $100K through similar fundraising activities to 2023, and the new brick pathway campaign. Total expenses were $109K.


The following have made the Commons possible:

  • Kathy Koss and Southern Rain LLC, a landscape company from Pittsboro, NC

  • Andrea Powers and Ken DeBarth, OPS Director and Board Chair

  • Board of Directors, OPS

  • Andy Todd, Tideland Electric

  • David Tolson, Ocracoke Sanitary District Manager

  • Dave Tweedie and Ocracoke Alive

  • Bob Chestnut and Ocracoke Civic and Business Association

  • Ocracoke Occupancy Tax Board

  • In-kind gifts from Kellogg Lumber, Kempsville Lumber, Ocracoke Variety Store, Ray Stotesberry, Island Garden Center, Wooden Sea Tree Service, Johnny Conner, Raul Campos and crew, Darren Burrus, Jason’s Restaurant, The Concrete Studios in Currituck County, The Working Watermen’s Fish House, Landmark Building and Design, Garick Kalna and James Garrish

  • Landscaping Committee: Debbie Wells (Chair), Susie Rockel, Bill Cole, Heather Johnson, Trudy Austin, Claudia Horwitz, Paige Bennett


The Ocracoke Preservation Society is a 501(c)3 non-profit, and contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. 

Ocracoke Preservation Society

49 Water Plant Rd.

P.O. Box 1240

Ocracoke, NC 27960

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©2025  Ocracoke Preservation Society

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