Ocracoke Preservation Society
Safeguarding Ocracoke's historic and cultural treasures ...for generations to come

Since its founding in 1983, the Ocracoke Preservation Society (OPS), a non-profit, community-based organization, has been dedicated to preserving the cultural heritage of Ocracoke Island, North Carolina. Our goal is to provide access to education, research, and exploration of the island’s rich history and culture through programs, events, and exhibits. We invite you to explore this site, and come to the museum to learn more about the fascinating history of Ocracoke!

The Origin of the Name "Ocracoke"
(The following history is reprinted with permission from the East Carolina University's Ocracoke History website)​The exact derivation of the name "Ocracoke" is unknown, though many suggestions have bee n made. It has been suggested that the name is linked to the Algonquian word "waxihikami" which means enclosed place, fort, or stockade. On old maps, the spelling varies from Wokokon, Woccocon, Occacock, Ocacoe, Occacock, Ocreecock, and now Ocracoke. A more far-fetched suggestion is that Blackbeard the Pirate, waiting for the fateful dawn of November 22, 1718, prayed in vain "O Crow Cock! O Crow Cock!" in hopes of escaping his pursuers.